Bumps that come from shaving, aka Pseudofolliculitis barbae (PFB), occur when the hair grows into the skin causing unsightly, and sometimes painful, pimples. It primarily affects curly-haired men, but is also seen in women. Pseudofolliculitis pubis is a similar condition occurring after pubic hair is shaved.
This annoying condition can be managed by the following: washing with a gentle soap and warm water before shaving; reducing the frequency of shaving; using a triple blade safety razor with a shaving gel or using an electric razor; and applying an alum mineral block to the skin after shaving. Hydrocortisone 1% cream can also be applied periodically after shaving to reduce irritation.
If these measures are inadequate, prescription medications are available from your dermatologist. Finally, laser hair removal can be a very effective treatment for this condition.